Covid-19 and It’s Impact on VSOs Webinar Recording

Covid-19 and It’s Impact on VSOs Webinar Recording

As the coronavirus spread into a global pandemic, Volunteer-sending Organizations (VSOs) had to respond quickly to protect participants already on the ground, and make hard decisions about future programming. Meanwhile, information on Covid-19, social distancing requirements, travel requirements, and cancelation policies was changing daily, making it more difficult for VSOs to respond. To assist our members and the general community, BBC and IVPA convened experts on March 23, 2020 to discuss the how Covid-19 would affect current programs and program participants.

Fiona Lally, President of the risk-management consulting firm Rasenna Consulting, Inc., began the webinar discussing various kinds of travel insurance for participants and organizations and what most policies cover during a pandemic.

Dr. Charles Haley, a retired epidemiologist for Dallas County and former Epidemic Intelligence Officer with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) then presented a concise report on Covid-19 and clarified differences between quarantine, self-quaratnine, and social distancing and how each impacts individual safety and the spread of the virus.

Both presentations helped VSO put guidelines and risk assessments in greater perspective as they were making decisions going forward. The full recording is available below.